Last week the IEEE ITSC 2023 conference took place in Bilbao: a special occasion to attend sessions in which articles and presentations about the latest and most innovative developments in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems are presented. The conference aims to convey new developments in theory, analytical and numerical simulation and modeling, experimentation, advanced deployment and case studies.
This year, the IEEE ITSC invited and encouraged prospective authors to share their work, findings, perspectives and developments as related to implementation and deployment of advanced ITS applications.
The 5GMETA project did not miss the opportunity to present its latest results: indeed, two 5GMETA papers were presented in the Special Session titled “Leveraging Data in Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) enabled by Edge and Cloud”. During this session, chaired by Gorka Vélez Isasmendi – 5GMETA technical project coordinator, insights about 5G, edge and Cloud as key enabling technologies in CCAM were shared.
The 5GMETA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 957360 (Innovation Action).