Vehicles generate huge volumes of real-time data on driving dynamics, the environment, and the driver’s as well as the passengers’ behaviour. With connected and automated mobility applications expanding at a very fast pace, the data captured from vehicles is vital not only for the automotive industry, but also for new players such as SMEs and high-tech startups.

The 5GMETA Open Platform aims to leverage car-captured data to stimulate and facilitate innovative products and services, while feeding them the data in a configurable manner. As a result, 5GMETA will empower the automotive ecosystem from industry players to new entrants, granting access to interoperable car-captured data.

5GMETA is delighted to announce that the registrations for its first Hackathon are now open!


If you are an innovator who has innovative business solutions for tomorrow’s mobility, join us at the 5GMETA Hackathon between March 29th and 30th 2022 in Turin – Italy. The three best solutions will be awarded a total prize of €5,000 and all the teams will gain access to mentors, tutors, investors, and industrial stakeholders.

The 5GMETA Hackathon is organised in partnership with the international business convention VTM (Vehicle & Transportation Technology Innovation Meetings). VTM is a new mobility technology event that brings together the vehicle and transportation community. From vehicle manufacturers and tier suppliers to mobility decision makers, disruptive technology entrepreneurs, and solution providers, different players in the industry meet at VTM.

Here are the challenges of the Hackathon:


When on the road, hazards can always be right around the corner. Roadworks, adverse weather conditions, a stationary vehicle, or a car crash are just a few examples of the potential risks that road users may run into. In this scenario, data collected from vehicles, sensors, and road infrastructures can be leveraged to conceive innovative solutions that enhance the safety and comfort of road users (pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers) and improve their travelling experience. Such data can also be used to detect misbehaviors and all possible circumstances where something is amiss, such as the violation of traffic rules or the driver having health problems.

During the hackathon you can address the challenge of enhancing the safety of road users:

  • Identify a specific comfort or safety issue and your main target (pedestrian, cyclists, or drivers)
  • Propose a data-based solution to tackle the issue
  • Define a business model and a strategy to deploy your solution onto the market.



Managing road infrastructures and vehicle mobility are among the major challenges of public authorities and private companies operating in the transportation industry. Imagine what could be achieved when vehicles are able to share and exchange information about trajectories, dynamics, current and planned maneuvers, perceived objects and events, and this data is merged with information coming from roadside sensors. In this scenario, you can conceive solutions that exploit backend data at city or region level to offer innovative services to road operators, local authorities, fleet managers, insurance companies or other stakeholders.

During the hackathon you can address the challenge of envisioning the future of roads:

  • Identify a specific issue that is due to the lack of continuous and fast communication among vehicles/people on the road
  • Propose a solution to tackle the issue, leveraging exchangeable data and 5G network features
  • Define a business model and a strategy to deploy your solution onto the market.



We are more and more used to getting what we need right when we need it, often even without having to ask. What if this convenience was available to drivers and other road users while they are travelling? In this scenario, data about users’ preferences and behaviors, merged together with position data, along with vehicle and road status information, can be channeled to provide advanced services to road users. For example, they can be informed about services, shops, or events that are close-by and that can be of interest to them.

During the hackathon you can address the challenge of creating user-centric services:

  • Identify a specific need of road users that is currently unmet by existing services
  • Propose a solution to address the need, leveraging data from vehicles, road infrastructures and users, along with 5G network features
  • Define a business model and a strategy to deploy your solution onto the market, paying particular attention to users’ privacy

You can register today by following this link and filling in the form.

For any questions about the Hackathon and registrations, please contact us at

5GMETA project is co-funded by the EU’s H2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Grant Agreement No 957360.