In this video interview, 5GMETA consortium partners Gorka Vélez (VICOMTECH), Roberto Cavicchioli (UNIMORE), Benoit Baurens (Akkodis) and Gianluca Rizzi (Wind-3) discuss about the applications and developments of the 5GMETA Platform, and how it can be employed and the added value that it will provide the automotive sector with.
Partners discuss about the exploitation, different business opportunities and models that will apply to the 5GMETA Platform. The Platform can be deployed in different environments, making it a powerful Platform for many different applications. Some automotive sectors’ stakeholders have already showed interest in the Platform, but such interest is also shared by other sectors, like the telecommunications one.
As VICOMTECH is working on the last technical aspects of the Platrom, Akkodis aims to make the Platform sustainable and adaptable to a large community of users, while ICOOR/UNIMORE is planning to interconnect many different partners in the automotive sectors and apply new models thanks to the capabilities of the Platform. Wind-3 has already established contacts with various entities, like port authorities, in order to exploit the functions of the Platform.
With the project coming to an end in the first months of 2024, consortium partners are working on the last aspects before the 5GMETA Platform is published officially in open source.