
ERTICO – ITS Europe is a public-private partnership of 120 companies and organisations representing Service Providers, Suppliers, Traffic and Transport Industry, Research, Public Authorities, Users, Mobile Networks Operators, Vehicle Manufactures.
ERTICO embodies Thought Leadership and fosters Stakeholder Engagement; ERTICO innovates, promotes and deploys Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS) through a variety of activities including European co-funded projects, Innovation Platforms, International Cooperation, Advocacy and Events. ERTICO is also the organiser of the ITS European and World Congresses, which take place every year in a different European city.
Our focus is on Connected & Automated Driving, Urban Mobility, Clean Mobility, and Transport & Logistics.

DEKRA has been active in the field of safety for more than 90 years and is one of the world’s leading expert organizations in testing, inspection, and certification. With a unique track record in testing and verification knowledge in both automotive and mobile communications technologies, it is imperative for DEKRA to play a key role in defining how we can keep the future modes of transport safe.
DEKRA is strongly building its service portfolio in the area of connected, automated, and electric mobility, with test tracks and laboratory facilities globally. Our goal is to meet the growing demand in testing and certification triggered by innovations in these three inter-related areas that will reshape the automotive industry. With independent product testing, we help businesses innovate and thrive in a connected world while at the same time making roads safer. We are the global partner for a safe connected world.
In 5GMETA, DEKRA will focus on validation activities, developing a test methodology, test specifications, test automation and test execution, among others. DEKRA will also contribute to the 5GMETA project with its 5G and Connected Driving test facilities equipped with the latest technologies. DEKRA’s participation will concentrate mostly on the work package ‘Actors Integration & Services Validation’ of the project’s work plan.

As an innovation accelerator for its clients, Akkodis (the trademark under which AKKA and Modis now operate) supports leading industry players in the automotive, aerospace, rail, and life sciences sectors throughout the life cycle of their products with cutting-edge digital technologies (AI, ADAS, IoT, Big Data, robotics, embedded computing, machine learning, etc.).
5GMETA is set to build on and enhance our Akkodis Researchers’ expertise, allowing us to contribute to a pioneering project for the automotive sector. Akkodis experts will have a leading role in the design of the 5GMETA architecture, data management, privacy and security as well as different building blocks of 5G such as MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing).
Akkodis role in 5GMETA is articulated around the following activities:
Leading role in the design of the 5GMETA architecture, with a focus on how to best accommodate the definition and integration of plug-in services.
Participating in the analysis and definition of use cases with focus on cybersecurity and privacy needs and requirements.
Support in the metadata definition and implementation along with data processing at the network edge.
Contribution to the development of transversal technology bricks (e.g., Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) and Fog computing services, cybersecurity and Data Privacy Protection solutions) to support the security and reliability of 5G services in 5GMETA.
Support the development of tools requested for test data management in the pilots. Task will encompass data ingestion (collection), data curation (data validation, data quality) and storage (archiving) as it relates to the usage of data stored through generic open tools in open formats.

Created in 1999, NeoGLS has been a pioneer in four development and integration technologies.
GPS location, real-time data exchange, map integration and on-board terminals integration in vehicles. Our SME provides innovative solutions in patrolling road management, in goods transport management and cooperative intelligent transport systems with V2X, I2V and V2V technologies.
Our PRISM application enables a traffic and road manager to manage road events in real time, as well as road maintenance aspects. It also allows winter service management on snow removal equipment. We also offer an innovative application in multimodal transport of goods management, security oriented, both in terms of business and data processing.
Communication technologies in real-time and short distances V2X are the future solutions in security and energy efficiency management, both urban and interurban. We offer safety applications, with road events predictions for drivers (accident, stopped vehicle, wrong way vehicle, road congestions,…), and an alert system at traffic lights for emergency vehicles. Our GLOSA application gives an advice of the optimal speed to drive through green traffic lights and gives information to decide if it’s better or not to turn the engine off at the red light, in order to save energy.
Through different ongoing and finished research projects, our company has developed and implemented intelligent platforms permitting communication between vehicles through on-board units and centralized applications in real time. NeoGLS implements ITS android applications and platforms with the integration of C-ITS services in our solutions.
NeoGLS will provide its knowledge in real time communication and use case development in order to provide several necessary software modules for the projects use cases. We will also integrate 5G communication in our infrastructure and vehicle material in order to obtain fully operational use cases and be able to test them on closed and open roads.

The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE) from Italy will play a key role in the 5GMETA project. The High-Performance Real-Time Laboratory (HiPeRT Lab), which has developed an expertise in developing ADAS Systems and integrating multiple Automotive technologies like Connected Vehicles, will be involved in all major technical activities of the project. It will also support/develop activities related to one of the identified Use-Cases. Moreover, the DISMI department of UNIMORE has lasting expertise in Road Transportation Theory, which at many extent is linked to Operational Research. Therefore, DISMI will play a key role by providing an analysis able to identify new market opportunities for new entrants.

LINKS is a Foundation born from an agreement between Compagnia di San Paolo and Politecnico di Torino that has been operating for about 20 years at a national and international level in the field of applied research, innovation and technology transfer.
The Foundation oversees technical-scientific disciplines that fall within the fields of engineering and architecture such as, for example: Artificial Intelligence, Smart Data, IoT, Photonics, etc… to carry out innovative projects in various application sectors: from Industry 4.0 to Cybersecurity, from Intelligent Mobility to Agritech, from Smart Cities to Cultural Heritage.
LINKS is organized into Research Areas and the “Photonics and Wireless Solutions (PWS)” area, participates in the project. PWS has more than 10 years’ experience in communications for the automotive sector. PWS has developed an ecosystem in this field spanning from OBU/RSU (On Board and Road Side Units) to edge computing applications. They participate in international Standardization and Stakeholders’ Bodies (ETSI TC ITS, ETSI MEC, ERTICO and 5GAA).
LINKS Foundation will participate with its skills in the Connected Vehicle field, especially in the data management at the edge of 5G networks and with its smart OBUs and RSUs. LINKS is among the first testers of vehicular use cases using real edge infrastructure over LTE and 5G.

VEDECOM is an Institute for Energy Transition (ITE) created in 2014 and established as part of the French government’s ‘Investment for the future plan’. The ITE are interdisciplinary platforms active in the field of low-carbon energy sources. VEDECOM Institute is dedicated to individual, carbon-free and sustainable mobility.
In 5G-META project, VEDECOM will:
- lead the task related to the analysis of requirements from stakeholders and the definition of use cases.
- lead the activity related to the development of the validation methodology and required metrics specific to the innovative services and 5G network functions.
- lead the task related to the development of a common methodology among trial sites for the integration, deployment and training of different use cases.
- contribute in WP2, WP3, WP4 & WP5 which are more in line with its expertise and research interests.
- develop several solutions related to the proposed UC and provide its test facilities to the project.

ICOOR is a Interuniversity Consortium aimed at promoting research and studies in Optimization, Operation Research and related domains.
The members of ICOOR have proven experience both in theoretical research and development of practical applications in several areas including transportation, telecommunications, green vehicles, logistics, and 5G new technologies. Over the years, the ICOOR members have participated and contributed to the success of several national and international projects having a fundamental role in encouraging and directing studies towards issues as sustainability from the environmental and social perspective.
Due to the multidisciplinary nature of its research team, ranging from Operation Research to High-Performance Real-Time Computing, ICOOR will be active in all 5GMETA activities, having leadership roles in Work Package 5 “Actors’ integration and services validation”, in Task 6.5 “Future plans beyond 5GMETA to catalyse new business opportunities” and Task 7.4 “Commercialization Strategy & Exploitation Activities of 5GMETA platform”.
Furthermore, through the involvement of University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, ICOOR will provide to the project Maserati Cars and the “Modena Automotive Smart Area” test field for the real experimention and validation of the Increasing Safety & Driving Awareness Use Case.

Vicomtech is an applied research centre for Interactive Computer Graphics and Multimedia located in San Sebastian (Spain). It is a non-profit association, founded in 2001 as a joint venture by the Fraunhofer INI- GraphicsNet Foundation and the EiTB Broadcasting Group. More than 100 of its 160 employees are researchers. The role of Vicomtech in the market is to supply society with technology by transfer of primary research to industry. Vicomtech’s main research lines lay in the fields of computer vision, computer graphics and interaction, and 5G communications; technologies which Vicomtech applies in multiple sectors such as transport, manufacturing, energy, health and entertainment.
Vicomtech will lead the project and the overall coordination. Vicomtech will also lead WP3 (5G Network Functions as a Data Platform) implementing MEC services for data formatting and real-time data pipelining, and will have an important role in WP2 (Specifications) and WP4 (Demonstrator development) developing the demonstrators of proposed use case “R&D Live Training Loop”.

Chaired by the scientist and entrepreneur Stefano Buono, LIFTT came to life as an operating company in December 2018, thanks to Compagnia di San Paolo, Politecnico di Torino, and LINKS Foundation.
The aim is to encourage technology development and transfer from University to Industry, but also to clear the way from a simple business idea to the creation of an innovative product, offering a dynamic and modern vision of venture capital as applied to Technology Transfer.
In 2020 LIFTT opens to private capital and has been recognised as an ‘Innovative SME’.
LIFTT guarantees high visibility to ideas and new businesses at a national and international level, investing and attracting capital and ensuring maximum impact on the local and national territory. While generating value for its shareholders, LIFTT supports the creation of businesses, development, employment and economic growth, through the implementation of an ethical and transparent governance model, based on the participation of all the actors involved.
LIFTT is the Leading Partner of WP6, about exploration, identification and facilitation of a new market ecosystem. LIFTT is investigating project results’ exploitation possibilities, with a proactive and business-oriented approach, focusing on how the 5G ecosystem can create new opportunities for innovative high-tech SMEs.

Wind Tre is the number one mobile operator in Italy and among the main alternative carriers in the fixed line market.
WINDTRE is the multi-service operator that offers connections, energy and insurance products*. A point of reference for families who ask for reliability, convenience and transparency in offers and who, thanks to the widespread presence of the 800 WINDTRE Stores across the country, can benefit from consultancy and support. WINDTRE is positioned as the number one mobile telco operator in Italy**, with coverage of 99.7% of the population in 4G, 96.3% in 5G DSS*** and 70.3% with 5G technology TDD thanks to a cutting-edge infrastructure, called Top Quality Network.
WINDTRE BUSINESS is the division of the WINDTRE group that supports companies, professionals and administrations in the constant challenge of digital and sustainable transformation. WINDTRE BUSINESS offers a wide variety of fixed and mobile telephony services, ultra broadband, fiber and FWA connectivity, Data Analytics, Cybersecurity and Cloud solutions with latest generation Data Centers and makes use of numerous partnerships with ICT Solutions and Applications Industry leading provider.
WINDTRE, recognized as ‘Top Employer’ in 2023 for the fifth consecutive year, has among its sustainability objectives**** the well-being and inclusion of people, the protection of the environment and the creation of a safer digital environment for everyone. With the ‘NeoConnessi’ project, dedicated to primary school children, it has involved more than a million students in the conscious use of technology since 2018.
Since 2022, WINDTRE has signed the Connected Villages initiative to reduce the territorial, economic, cultural and demographic digital divide of small Italian municipalities.
(*): Energy and insurance services offered by third-party partners. Wind Tre S.p.A. insurance intermediary registered in section A-Agents of the RUI, subject to supervision by IVASS. For info
(**): WINDTRE has been first in terms of number of human SIMs (total SIMs excluding SIMs enabled exclusively for machine-to-machine communications) for 24 consecutive quarters [source: AGCOM Observatory 2-2023].
(***): 5G DSS technology allows to exploit the network smartly and quickly between 4G and 5G based on the type of cell phone and the offer subscribed to by the customer.
(****) Below is the link to the sustainability report: Sustainability Report