On June 23, the three EU funded projects 5GMETA, 5G-LOGINNOV and SHOW organised the joint workshop “5G: Challenges and Opportunities for CAD, Transport & Logistics and Big Data” and shared best practices and knowledge on 5G applications across the automotive, logistics and urban mobility sectors.
Data has become an extremely important asset. As stated by 5G-LOGINNOV project coordinator Dr Eusebiu Catana, ‘Data represent the new kind of “fuel” in transport & logistics for the 21st century. Not only does data enable us to cope with traffic congestion, CCAM, and environmental challenges, but it also allows us to handle upcoming and future logistics capacity and develop economic and innovative business opportunities for regions, industries, SMEs and high-tech start-ups.’
Featuring experts from the three consortia, the event offered a chance to peek at the forefront of innovation: 5G-LOGINNOV, which aims to support new type of IoT-5G connectivity devices by deploying new CAD and Logistics as a Service in real-life port-city areas, offered an overview on the latest developments on next generation of 5G-CAD terminals and ports, while new opportunities for data-driven services and data monetization had been described by 5G META (5GMETA is working towards creating a flexible telematics platform for pipelining car captured and generated data).
Finally, SHOW’s partners Maria Gkemou – CERTH/HIT, and Pekka Eloranta – Sitowise, focused on 5G’s applications to urban mobility, while Peter Schmitting – ERTICO – ITS Europe, delivered a presentation on standardisation.
‘5G is expected to play a crucial role in automated mobility. Still, there path is long to reach the maturity and readiness required to support safety-critical deployment for automated public transport, as well as first and last-mile mobility services, which are becoming an essential part of the integrated public transport system and will also help us to reach the climate goals.’
From data-driven services, to the development of next-generation of ports and logistic hubs, up to the integration of automated vehicles in urban mobility and truck platooning, the workshop offered a unique opportunity to learn about what the automotive, transports & logistics and urban mobility sectors have in common in their path towards a smart and connected future. To demonstrate the breadth of ongoing research into 5G applications, the projects presented their concrete actions, activities and 5G roadmaps through their respective living labs and use cases.
5GMETA, 5G-LOGINNOV and SHOW work daily to make the broad and cross-cutting application of 5G for the mobility sector a reality. Experts from the three projects keep their focus on the key needs behind further development in 5G: