Welcome once again to the 5GMETA interview series, where we speak with our partners to find out more about their organization and their role in the project. This time we reached out to Intempora to share their impressions and ambitions regarding the project.
- What prompted Intempora to join the 5GMETA consortium?
Intempora is an advanced software solutions provider that aims to boost innovation particularly for autonomous driving. We are very interested in V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) communication technologies, which is also a central aspect of the 5GMETA project. Moreover, we have worked very successfully with Vicomtech for a long time; seeing that they were coordinating this project was also a positive and persuasive factor for us to join the 5GMETA consortium.
- How do the objectives of 5GMETA project fit in with the priorities and strategies of Intempora?
We believe that 5G connectivity will be involved in autonomous driving at some point and we need to have experience on this topic. The goal of the 5GMETA open platform is to expand 5G network functions in order to stimulate and facilitate innovative products and services while ensuring data privacy, security, interoperability and ownership. This project can widen Intempora’s field of expertise to cover everything needed for autonomous vehicles.
- Tell us about the role of Intempora in this project.
Intempora owns RTMaps, which stands for Real-Time Multisensor Applications, software. We provide free RTMaps licenses in the scope of the project and carry out training and custom developments around our technology.
Specifically, we are task leader of T4.3 (Dataset generation) where we help to build datasets for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Training and Networking parking.
- Can you give an update about the latest developments?
A few datasets have been made using RTMaps. We have also trained partners to use our tools and provided the recordings to the consortium. We also do some active custom development on our RTMaps middleware.
- What are Intempora’s next steps in the project?
We are already working on the next phase of the project: making a bridge between RTMaps and the SUMO simulator (Simulation of Urban MObility). This simulator allows us to virtualize the traffic, parking slots, traffic lights in a software environment. This is very useful for creating and testing complex situations with a limited amount of material. This would be a co-simulation between the two software applications (RTMaps and SUMO) to enhance the use case 2 (Networking parking).
- What are your plans to build upon these results for future initiatives?
The results for Intempora will be the Intellectual Property on SUMO integration and a clearer conception of vehicle to cloud protocols. We will also take our experience in 5GMETA to develop a better understanding of 5G networking and the associated challenges.
- Would you like to add anything more?
It is great to be part of this challenging project! We really like how Vicomtech leads this project and to discover, learn and participate in the deployment of 5G technology in the mobility sector. The technical collaboration between Intempora and Links and Vedecom was also very interesting.