Less than one year after its kick-off, the European-funded project 5GMETA continues to innovate in the European arena with a joint workshop titled “How the 5G ecosystem empowers the port, logistics and automotive industries”, co-organised with the project 5G-LOGINNOV.

Between 8 and 11 June, 5GMETA project attended the EuCNC & 6G Summit, an event which focuses on all aspects of telecommunications ranging from 5G deployment and mobile IoT to 6G exploration and future communications systems and networks, including experimentation and testbeds, and applications and services.

“Participating in the EuCNC together with relevant European stakeholders gave 5GMETA a unique chance to identify at an early stage the important role that 5G communications and Data Management will bring to the future of the Mobility and Logistics sectors”, said Oihana Otaegui (Vicomtech), 5GMETA project coordinator.

Thanks to the expertise of the 5GMETA and 5G-LOGINNOV consortiums, which gather very relevant and well-positioned European stakeholders from research and academia, telecommunications, RTOs, clusters, incubators and industry, participants to the workshop learned about the CAD and logistics challenges, architecture, innovations and services enabled by 5G. Participants also had the opportunity to get involved in the projects’ future SME and start-up activities. Both projects presented their concrete actions, activities and 5G roadmaps, with particular focus of 5GMETA on its Training Loop, Networking Parking and Driving Safety & Awareness use cases, presented respectively by 5GMETA project coordinator Oihana Otaegui (Vicomtech), Fatma Rassi (AKKA) and Arslane Hamzacherif (ICOOR). Additional, technical information was also provided by Djibrilla Amadou Kountche (AKKA) and Pierluigi Freni (LIFTT).

The recordings of the workshops will be available soon. In the meantime, make sure to follow 5GMETA on social media!

5GMETA Twitter and LinkedIn


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